Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Commensurations and metric properties of houghton’s groups 

      Burillo, José; Cleary, Sean; Martino, Armando; Röver, Claas (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2016-11-21)
      We describe the automorphism groups and the abstract commensurators of Houghton's groups. Then we give sharp estimates for the word metric of these groups and deduce that the commensurators embed into the corresponding ...
    • Commensurations and subgroups of finite index of thompson’s groupf 

      Burillo, José; Cleary, Sean; Röver, Claas E (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2008-06-19)
      We determine the abstract commensurator Com. F/ of Thompson's group F and describe it in terms of piecewise linear homeomorphisms of the real line. We show Com. F/ is not finitely generated and determine which subgroups ...